May 31, 2010

Astro Arena Gaining Ground as the Home for Malaysian Sports

Astro Arena (CH 801), Malaysia’s first dedicated 24-hour local sports channel on Astro is proving to become synonymous as the home channel for local sports coverage among Malaysians. Based on the recent figures from AC Nielsen Media Research, ASTRO customers instinctively tune into Astro Arena (CH 801) for the best coverage of Malaysian sporting heroes in action.

During the recent Thomas and Uber Cup Finals in Kuala Lumpur, Astro Arena (CH 801) triumphed at the Number 1 slot with the highest number of viewers during the LIVE broadcast of the Quarter-final match between Malaysia vs. Denmark held on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 whereby a total of 501,887 Malaysians tuned in to catch the nations battle for a place in the Semi-finals .

It also achieved the highest slot for the LIVE broadcast of the Semi-final matches on Friday, 14 May 2010 as the nation watched with bated breath as the home team contended against defending champions, China, with 485,296 viewers from 7.30pm to 8.40pm.

Lee Choong Khay, Head of Sports Business of Astro said, “It has been three months since the launch of the channel and already we have received encouraging viewership figures. Needless to say, we are very happy as it indicates Malaysians have accepted Astro Arena as the home channel for local sports coverage. This aligns with our mission to bring more sports to Malaysia.”

“Moving forward, Malaysians will have more chances to watch their nation’s sporting heroes closely and see how they fare in some of the regional sports events on Astro Arena, especially in the upcoming events this year such as Commonwealth Games in Delhi, Asian Games in Guangzhou and the first Youth Olympics in Singapore,” Lee added.

From May 9 to the finals on May 16, 2010, Astro SuperSport (CH 811) and Astro Arena (CH 801) broadcasted concurrent matches respectively, of both the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup. Additionally, for the first time ever, the semi-finals and finals matches of both Thomas and Uber Cups were broadcasted in High Definition (HD) over Astro SuperSport HD (CH 831) for Astro’s sports pack customers with Astro B.yond HD subscriptions.

With two channels, home viewers were able to watch more top-rated matches LIVE especially those involving the home team in Bahasa Malaysia commentary on Astro Arena (CH 801) and in English commentary on Astro SuperSport (CH 811).

In addition, Astro Arena will be broadcasting 35 matches of the World Cup in Bahasa Malaysia commentary, highlights and links directly to South Africa from two of its hosts, Edleen Ismail and Zainal Abidin Rawop bringing you a taste of the their World Cup euphoria in South Africa and more.

Astro Arena completes ASTRO’s Family Package with sports offering alongside entertainment, information and education. With Astro Arena, currently there are 31 ASTRO branded and affiliated channels and 10 sports channels, including 2 channels in High Definition and 1 channel for sports pay-per-view on the ASTRO platform.

May 24, 2010


PAS today urged the Council of Rulers to intervene against the federal government decision to issue a sports betting licence.

After handing a protest memorandum to the keeper of the rulers’ seal Engku Ibrahim Engku Ngah (above, middle) at his office at the Istana Negara today, PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar said the move to legalise such gambling would be detrimental for the youths.

"Football clubs and their players are idolised by youth, so we are afraid that this will hurt the young," he said.He also said that the government's argument that regulated sports betting operations would curb illegal betting was unreasonable.

Mahfuz who is also Pokok Sena MP, said further that the government's assertion that regulating sports betting operations would curb illegal betting - currently estimated to amount to up to RM20 billion in bets - was unreasonable.

“(The police) recently announced that they have set up a special team to identify and eliminate illegal betting syndicates, which signify that these activities occur even if sports betting is legalised.“So now police will go to those who engage in illegal betting and tell them, ‘You want to gamble? Go to Sports Toto outlets,’" suggested Mahfuz in reference to the Ascot Holding-owned operators of around 680 sports betting outlets.

"(It is) as if they (the police) are working for (Berjaya Group chief) Vincent Tan,” he added. The sports betting licence was been awarded to Ascot Holding, a subsidiary of the Berjaya Group, on May 11 this year.

Speaking on the role of the rulers in the matter, Mahfuz noted that they had stepped in previously in the 1960s against the government-run “charity lotteries”, which eventually came to an end in the 1980s. “The former Perlis ruler (Tengku Syed Putra Syed Hassan Jamalullail) was a strong critic of the lottery.

"We hope his son (Tengku Syed Sirajuddin) will take a similar stance,” he said.

The PAS parliamentarians said they hope Tengku Syed Sirajuddin, who is due to chair a council of rulers' meeting on June 26, will convene the event earlier in order to discuss the issue. Mahfuz also criticised the government's failure to hold public consultations on the matter, and wondered aloud whether this was because there were elements of corruption involved.

“Maybe this why it is difficult for him (Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) to listen to the public outcry on the matter,” he said.According to Mahfuz, a study by Maybank Securities estimated that about RM1.7 billion is spent daily on legal and illegal gambling beside legalised sports betting.

“So including sports betting, we can expect about RM60 billion spent on gambling in the one month of the (Fifa) World Cup (in South Africa),” he said.He said that PAS will also bring their grievances to the National Fatwa Council, while Johor PAS Youth will submit a memorandum to the Johor mufti tomorrow.

Last Friday, PAS organised demonstrations in Penang, Perak, Selangor, Terengganu and Negeri Sembilan against the issuance of the betting licence to Berjaya.

The following day, PAS Youth announced plans to hold this week another demonstration in Selangor and a series of protests in Kelantan, Malacca, Pahang, Perlis ahead of a mammoth rally in Kuala Lumpur on July 3. PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan (left) said the wing hoped to submit a memorandum to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, urging his intervention in the matter.

The movement against sport betting also garnered support from former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who has urged the government to review the decision to award the licences.

Weighing in on the issue, the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim) last week sent a memorandum to all muftis calling for them to register their protest with the government and urge for the license issued to Berjaya to be revoked.

In a statement issued yesterday, the group said legalising sports betting is akin to covering up the government’s failure to control an illegal activity.

"Abim is certain that the act of legalising - that is, recognising as legal a thing that is haram (such as gambling) and that cannot be controlled by law enforcers while demand for it has increased in the black market - will not solve the problem," said Abim president Muhd Razak Idris.

"To the contraray, it will only give recognition to something that is illegal merely because of our failure to control it," he added.

While callling for the Home Ministry, the police, local authorities and state religious departments to intensify efforts to combat betting operations during the Fifa World Cup, Razak also called for Muslims to stay away from all gambling activities due to their harmful effects on families, society and the economy.

May 23, 2010


SKUAD Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah (MSS) Kedah muncul juara Kejohanan Piala Premier Manchester United (MUPC) 2010 bawah 15 tahun (B-15).Kejayaan itu dicapai selepas MSS Kedah menewaskan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Putera Kota Bharu, Kelantan 1-0 pada aksi final di Padang Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN), Bukit Jalil semalam.

Selaku juara, MSS Kedah akan mewakili Malaysia pada kejohanan peringkat Asia Tenggara yang bakal berlangsung di Pulau Pinang, Jun depan.Jurulatih MSS Kedah, Mohd. Ridzuan Abdul Rahman ternyata berpuas hati dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan oleh anak-anak buahnya dan mensasarkan untuk bergelar juara pada kejohanan peringkat Asia Tenggara nanti. "Pemain-pemain telah melaksanakan tugas mereka dengan begitu baik sekali pada perlawanan hari ini (semalam) biarpun ada di antara mereka yang terpaksa menahan kesakitan akibat masalah kecederaan. "

Selepas ini, kami akan kembali menjalani latihan seperti biasa bagi memperbaiki segala kelemahan yang ada dalam pasukan sebelum menghadapi kejohanan peringkat Asia Tenggara pula," jelas Ridzuan semalam. Pada aksi semalam, Muhammad Fitri Che Hassan muncul wira apabila menjaringkan gol kemenangan MSS Kedah dua minit sebelum wisel penamat dibunyikan
Sementara itu, tonggak tengah MSS Kedah, Muhammad Syafiq Ahmad dinobatkan sebagai Pemain Harapan MUPC 2010 berdasarkan persembahannya sepanjang kejohanan tersebut yang bermula 17 Mei lalu. Anugerah bagi penjaring terbanyak kejohanan pula dimenangi oleh Fitri manakala rakan sepasukannya, Mohd. Anis Ismail menerima gelaran penjaga gol terbaik.

SMK Putera yang terpaksa berpuas hati dengan muncul naib juara kejohanan pula memenangi anugerah Fairplay.

May 22, 2010


A full post-mortem report on the failure of the Thomas and Uber teams would be out soon said Youth and Sports minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

However, preliminary reports showed that the Malaysian teams lost due to lack of preparations, especially the failure to make use of an opportunity to train at the competition venue early, said Ahmad Shabery.

"But, the full report will reveal our weaknesses from every aspect and will be ready soon," he told reporters after opening the general assembly of Umno branches from the Tumpat division at Sekolah Menengah Biji Wangsa, Kelaboran, near here last night.

"We have to study the internal and external factors that contributed to the poor showing, including preparations, discipline and other aspects. Fans or any other parties must not point fingers at anyone for the failure to recapture the Thomas Cup after 18 years."

He also rubbished claims by players and BAM that the presence of the media had affected their performance, and thus, partly responsible for their defeat.

The media plays an important role in a tournament to lift the performance of players and the prestige of the tournament, he said.

"What was evident is that we failed to make use of home ground advantage and failed to get used to the playing venue despite being the host," he said.

May 21, 2010



Persatuan Penulis-penulis Sukan Malaysia (SAM) menyifatkan tindakan menyalahkan wartawan sukan dan media tempatan antara punca utama kegagalan skuad badminton negara ketika pusingan akhir Piala Thomas dan Uber, baru-baru ini, sebagai tindakan terburu-buru dan jalan mudah untuk melepaskan tanggungjawab di bahu.

Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif SAM sebulat suara dengan pendirian bahawa Persatuan Badminton Malaysia (BAM) sepatutnya lebih teliti sebelum menuding jari sebegitu, tambahan pula kerana daripada analisis yang dilakukan, ianya tampak jauh tersasar daripada realiti.

SAM berbangga mempunyai ahli-ahli yang tahu peranan mereka sebagai wartawan sukan bertanggungjawab. Malah daripada penelitian sepanjang tempoh persiapan skuad negara, wartawan dan media tempatan memainkan peranan selaku ‘sahabat’ BAM menerusi penulisan dan pemaparan berita yang positif.

Tugas dan tanggungjawab media sukan tempatan adalah untuk sama-sama mendokong aspirasi sukan negara. Dengan pemain-pemain berstatus professional serta dilimpahi perhatian khusus - termasuk menerusi pendekatan sains sukan yang menyeluruh - mereka seharusnya tahu tanggungjawab perlu dipikul, tanpa perlu menyalahkan kehadiran media sebagai ‘pengacau’.

Amalan wartawan dan media tempatan menemubual pemain selepas sesi latihan adalah sesuatu yang sentiasa berlangsung. Malah ianya tidak pernah sebelum ini dianggap mengganggu dengan pemain-pemain negara sentiasa dapat juga menggapai kegemilangan di peringkat antarabangsa.

SAM berharap BAM akan dapat meneliti situasi ini dengan pendekatan rasional dan tidak bersikap terburu-buru hingga menjejaskan hubungan baik di antara BAM, SAM dan ahli-ahli sejak sekian lama.

SAM dan seluruh ahli-ahli sentiasa menikmati hubungan baik dengan semua Persatuan Sukan Kebangsaan dan berharap ianya mampu diteruskan berdasarkan kepada pendekatan saling menghormati tanggungjawab yang dipikul..

Sekian, terima kasih.



Persatuan Penulis-penulis Sukan Malaysia (SAM


IT is indeed interesting to find out that the national badminton players have blamed everybody including the media for their failure in the recent Thomas Cup. Read KM Boopathy take here .

1. They said that our rivals are learning faster, have improved, are mentally stronger while some even spoke about the pressure from the media and how it disrupts them.

2. BAM has targeted gold in both but with the players admitting they can't handle pressure, what chance is there for the wait for a World Championships title to end in Paris?

3. Media Pressure.

It is a shame that players can actually give this reasons after failing in the Thomas Cup.

I suggest the Thomas Cup team to be sent to South Korea to train with the Uber Cup team, maybe that can could be a motivation for them.

What do you have to stay Mr Sports Minister, the man who said Malaysia will be in the final ?

May 19, 2010


Malaysia cannot continue depending on 'old guards' to lead the country's challenge at the international stage, especially in badminton, said Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.He added that the performances and ability of ageing national players was limited."National back up shuttlers must be given an opportunity to show their talent and this should have been done a long time ago," he told reporters after launching the 2010 National Futsal League here on Tuesday.

National singles head coach Rashid Sidek and national doubles head coach Rexy Mainaky also echoed a similar sentiment.However, the National team's defeat in the Thomas and Uber Cup finals last week was not solely due to age factor but also a combination of technical and diet, said Ahmad Shabery."The question was not about age entirely but we want the best talent to represent the country. But can't back up players beat veterans like Wong Choon Hang (33) and Muhd Hafiz Hashim (28)?"It is not only Malaysia who are facing such a predicament but Indonesia and Denmark are also in a similar situation," he said.

In the Thomas Cup which ended last Sunday, the Malaysian team led by world number one Datuk Lee Chong Wei lost tamely 0-3 to eventual winners China in the semifinals.With world number one singles player Chong Wei and world number one doubles pair Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong in the stable, expectations were high on the Malaysian team to wrest the Thomas Cup after having won the cup in 1992 by beating Indonesia 3-2 at Stadium Negara.

May 13, 2010


Host Malaysia face defending champion China while Japan take on Indonesia in the Thomas Cup semifinals at Putra Stadium on Friday.

Muhd Hafiz Hashim, the 2003 All England champion, clinched the winning point for Malaysia's 3-2 victory over Denmark in a tense quarterfinal, after easily disposing Joachim Persson 21-12, 21-10, thus repeating the 2002 Guangzhou feat when he won the deciding match against Bao Chun Lai.

"I am happy to have contributed the winning point for Malaysia's victory," said Hafiz.

In Guangzhou, Malaysia beat China 3-1 in the semis, at their home ground before bowing out 2-3 to Indonesia in the finals.

In today's earlier quarterfinal matches, China beat South Korea 3-0, Japan defeated Germany 3-1 and Indonesia beat India 3-0 to book their respective berths.

Against the Danes Wednesday night, World number one men's singles player Datuk Lee Chong Wei set the path for Malaysia's victory after beating an injured Peter Hoeg Gade 21-17, 21-17 in 49 minutes for the first point.

Gade who was trailing Chong Wei 11-15 in the first game, suffered an ankle injury while trying to retrieve a shot at the net and had to take a five-minute break to check on the injury.

"That was the turning point as Gade was setting a fast tempo and played aggressively but I managed to follow his pace," Chong Wei who had also beaten the Dane in the final of the Korea Open Super Series in January, told reporters after the match.

World number one pair Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong later justified their seeding by beating number four seeds Carsten Mogensen/Mathias Boe 21-17, 21-19 in 41 minutes to give Malaysia a 2-0 lead.

Malaysia's second singles, Wong Choong Hann, however failed to deliver the much needed winning point, bowing out 20-22, 21-16, 18-21 to world number nine, Jan O Jorgensen.

Choong Hann, playing in the his sixth Thomas Cup edition, however, gave his opponent a run for the money, playing point-for-point and dragging the tie to a deciding set.

Jorgensen took the first set 22-20 but Choong Hann came back strongly to take the second 21-16 but the Dane moved into overdrive to take the deciding set 21-18 to give Denmark their first point.

The fourth match of the tie saw Malaysia field a scratch pair of Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif/Hoon Tien How against this year's All England's champion, Lars Paaske/Jonas Rasmussen.

Although the scratch Malaysian pair put up a spirited display to win the first set 26-24, they lost the second 12-21 and despite a close fight, lost the deciding game 19-21.

The win saw Denmark level the tie at 2-2 and called on yesterday's villain Hafiz, who lost his deciding match to Japan's Shoji Sato in the 2-3 defeat, to the fore.

The lanky Hafiz however, gave a polished display today to earn the winning point that kept Malaysia's hopes of repeating the 1992 feat very much alive.

In another quarterfinal match, Japan beat Germany 3-1, to clinch a place in the semis and face Indonesia.

May 10, 2010

Bekas mufti: Jangan halalkan pertaruhan kejohanan Piala Dunia

Bekas mufti Perlis Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin menggesa kerajaan mengkaji balik langkah mempertimbangkan kemungkinan mengeluarkan lesen untuk membenarkan pertaruhan dilakukan semasa kejohanan bola sepak Piala Dunia 2010 berlangsung bulan depan.
Sehubungan itu kata Asri, beliau juga mahu rakyat pelbagai kaum dan agama agar membantah usaha tersebut.

Sambil menekankan peranan pemerintah adalah mencegah keburukan, bukan menaja atau bersaing dengan penjenayah, Asri memberitahu, cadangan tersebut hanya mengubah ‘taukeh’ yang tidak berlesen kepada yang berlesen.

“Apakah nanti mungkin kita akan wujudkan tempat ‘hisap candu berlesen’ untuk mengelakkan penagih candu menghisapnya di tempat yang tidak berlesen?

“Jangan fikir lesen dan cukai keuntungan sahaja, kerajaan hendaklah berfikir kesan yang akan menimpa rakyat nanti.

“Maka, saya sekali lagi membantah cadangan ini dan meminta semua rakyat Malaysia yang waras dan mempunyai nilai-nilai agama dan moral membantah cadangan ini,” kata beliau dalam satu kenyataan dikeluarkan.

Asri berpendapat bahawa judi sama ada ‘dilesenkan’ atau tidak keburukannya sentiasa dominan dan akan menyebabkan pembaziran tanpa sebab, sikap bergantung nasib tanpa kewarasan, merosakkan keluarga, menimbulkan tabiat suka berhutang, membawa kepada kejatuhan ekonomi individu secara mengejut dan ketagihan tabiat buruk tersebut yang luar biasa.

“Akal waras manusia dari semua aliran agama dan masyarakat, bahkan yang tidak beragama pun tetap menyatakan judi selalu merosakkan masyarakat.

“Jika pun judi itu untuk masyarakat bukan Islam, saya tetap katakan masyarakat Malaysia bukan masyarakat judi.

“Tiada ajaran mana-mana agama yang menggalakkan judi. Tiada siapa pun dalam mana-mana bangsa atau agama dalam negara ini sanggup untuk mendakwa ‘judi adalah budaya kami’, atau ‘kebanggaan hidup kami’,” katanya.

Khamis lalu, Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein berkata kerajaan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan mengeluarkan lesen untuk membenarkan pertaruhan dilakukan semasa kejohanan bola sepak Piala Dunia 2010 berlangsung awal bulan depan bagi mengelak berleluasanya aktiviti perjudian dan pertaruhan haram di negara ini.

Kata beliau, jika kerajaan tidak mengeluarkan lesen kepada pihak yang memohon, aktiviti perjudian dan pertaruhan haram tetap berlaku tanpa kawalan dan pemantauan pihak berkuasa.
“Ada beberapa perkara penting untuk dikaji sama ada perkara ini (mengeluarkan lesen membenarkan pertaruhan) baik bagi kerajaan atau jika kerajaan boleh cuba mengawalnya untuk mengetahui berapa banyak (jumlah wang daripada pertaruhan haram).

“Kerajaan sedang mengkaji perkara ini dan akan memutuskannya jika mahu membenarkan pertaruhan memandangkan kejohanan Piala Dunia ini semakin hampir,” katanya.

May 6, 2010


More than half of the 500,000 World Cup tickets offered for cash sales were still available, organisers said today, just over a month before the tournament starts.

Initial brisk business when the fifth and final phase of sales opened in South Africa on April 15, sparking long queues, appears to have cooled.

Greg Fredericks, head World Cup local organising committee CEO Danny Jordaan’s office, told Johannesburg city councillors less than 300,000 tickets remained for the June 11-July 11 tournament.

“We are approaching 90 per cent ticket sales for the World Cup,” he said.

Fifa spokeswoman Delia Fischer confirmed that 230,000 of the allotted 500,000 phase five tickets — the first to be sold over the counter — had been sold.

Football’s world governing body moved to cash sales after widespread criticism that its Internet-based system was too complicated and effectively excluded millions of poor black fans in the host country who do not have access to computers or credit cards.

Supporters initially rushed to buy those seats, with 130,000 tickets sold in the first three days.

Fredericks said matches in Johannesburg — which will host the opening and final matches — and Pretoria were sold out but there were still many tickets available for matches in Polokwane, Port Elizabeth and Nelspruit.

He also said the government would soon release a transportation timetable for planes, buses and other public transport for the month-long soccer spectacular. — Reuters


The needle on Malaysia’s sporting pressure chamber is creeping into the red after its badminton chief called on the nation’s squad to win all their group matches in the upcoming Thomas & Uber Cup.

The most prestigious team event for men and women shuttlers begins on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur’s Putra Stadium where the world’s elite are primed to do battle.

This dazzling line-up of talent has in no way diminished Nadzmi Salleh’s expectations, though, as the president of Malaysia’s badminton federation called on his team to rally support at home.

“The more matches the team win, the better the vocal support,” he told reporters, adding that Malaysia was one of five teams capable of winning the men’s Thomas Cup.

“As such, I hope the shuttlers can get off to a flying start and win both their group matches before the knock-out stage starts on May 12. I just want the players to give their best as the Malaysian fans deserve to see them fighting all the way.”

The five times Thomas Cup champions trail only 13-times champions Indonesia and seven-times champions China in the winners’ standings, but have not triumphed since a 1992 victory on home soil.

Malaysia’s women have never tasted Uber Cup success.

The Malaysian men are in Group B of the Thomas Cup with Japan and Nigeria. Defending champions China are in Group A with South Korea and Peru while Denmark, Germany and Poland are in Group C. Former champions Indonesia head Group D and will play India and Australia.

In the Uber Cup, Malaysia are in Group A with China and the United States. Indonesia, Denmark and Australia are in Group B, Japan, Russia and Germany in Group C while South Korea, India and South Africa are in Group D.

The powerful Chinese team arrived in Malaysia yesterday after 45 days of closed door training in Fujian province, but the favourites would not discuss their chances of defending.

Five-times Uber Cup champions Japan, meanwhile, are still sweating on injuries to key players Eriko Hirose and Reika Kakiwa.

Chief coach Park Joo Bong said Japan’s hopes of winning the title for the first time since 1981 would depend on how fast the duo recover.

“I am worried about the leg injuries to Eriko and Reika but our first target is to get into the quarter-finals. And we will see what happens after that.

“Whatever it is we are here and ready to play no matter what.” — Reuters


The National Football Development Fund got off to a fine start when 16 corporate teams signed up for a futsal championship here starting May 8.

Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said the teams including Maxis, Astro, Maybank and Putrajaya Corporation had to contribute at least RM10,000 to the fund.

"The championship is also held to introduce Putrajaya Futsal Complex before Rentap Futsal starts on May 14," he said after a training session with the select team of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak here Wednesday.

Shabery was joined in training by his two deputies Datuk Razali Ibrahim and Datuk Wee Jeck Seng and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.

May 4, 2010


TWO days ago a little bird told me about me about the situation in Slovakia, apprently Azraai Khor is no longer coaching the team, but a Slovakian has taken over.

It is through the social network application such as facebook that we come to know problems that are faced by people. So when players and coaches express their feelings through facebook obviously the media fraternity comes to know Harimau Muda is not well.

Read the most prominent blogger and Astro Arena resident panelist rizal hashim discovery here.

Unfortunately the goal keeper coach Mohana has returned and that is due to the misunderstanding between him and Azraai. If I am not mistaken Azraai accused a coach by saying he is here on holiday. In Malay we call it "Lawatan Sambil Belajar"

From the beginning this whole trip was a "Lawatan Sambil Belajar" for me, I was also told that Vion FC will be sending a team of technical expertise to train our boys, in management terms we call it "Knowledge Transfer" and FAM coaches will handle it in terms of "Knowledge Management".

It is a joke, the way this coaches are behaving as though they have won something, in reality they are nothing and team also is yet to win anything. No one cares about Obama Cup or Mandela Cup.. we are only concern if this team can retain the SEA Games Gold Medal in Jakarta.

So I suggest FAM should get to the crunch of the matter before it gets worst.

The rest can continue eating Mac Donalds in Slovakia.

May 3, 2010



Durah FC vs SMK Tasek Utara B (Penalty 5-4)
Sekolah Sukan Bandar Penawar B vs SMK Tanjung Putri 3 - 1

3rd / 4th Placing
SMK Tasek Utara B vs SMK Tanjung Putri 2 - 0

Sekolah Sukan Bandar Penawar B vs Durah FC 1 - 1 (Penalty 6-5)

Best Goalkeeper
Muhammad Amirullah b. Sapia Afandi (Durah FC)

Top scorer
Mohd Izzudin Irfan (Durah FC) - 8 Goals

Man of the match
Ahmad Azinuddin (Durah FC)á

Fairplay team
SMK Tasek Utara

First Runner-up
Durah FC

Sekolah Sukan Bandar Penawar B